Vol. 8 Issue 19-May 14, 2020
Defend Special on the Horizon
The need for a strong immune system is at the top of everyone’s mind these days. And, we know we have a fantastic product to support this valuable system, Defend.
On May 18th and May 19th, when you add Defend to your order, you will receive free shipping! This applies to standard orders only, autoships are not included. This promotion should not be shared with your customers or prospects until May 17th.
It’s simple yet powerful, especially when it comes to using it as a tool for business growth.
As most of you know, there’s a hidden feature to this promotion for Associates. You have an opportunity to get reimbursed for your May autoship (that means free!) and/or win some New Earth swag. Entering to win is pretty darn simple…
When you take a picture of yourself with your bottle of Defend (yes it has to be a picture of YOU with Defend!) and post it to social media (this can be Facebook or Instagram) with the hashtag #supportmyimmunity and tag @newearthco, you will be entered to win. You will receive one entry for every unique post throughout the month of May.
It is very important that you follow these instructions exactly! If you forget one element it will not count as an entry. We are looking forward to seeing how you “Defend”.
Enrollment Promotion Continues
Through the end of May, your new prospects can become Wellness Entrepreneurs for a risk-free $59 investment. If at any time during their first 90 days they decide it’s not a good fit, we will refund their $59 investment.
Fans to Subscribers
The pieces of the puzzle are going to come together tonight! Throughout our Facebook Marketing series, we have spent a great deal of time talking about how to get people to your Facebook business page and grow your fan base. Fans are great, especially when they are engaged with your page and your content. But, fans and their engagement do not equal income. We have to take these very engaged fans and turn them into true leads that become customers and tonight we are going to talk about just that.
We will be discussing how to use your 30 Day Gut Reboot to move your fans from Facebook over to your 30 Day Gut Reboot landing page and email funnel.
I know what most of you are thinking right now… um what are you talking about? What email funnel? Well, we have actually been behind the scenes doing a lot of the heavy lifting for you. Be sure to join us this evening to learn all about it!
- New Earth Success Lab, Thursday, May 14th at 6 pm Pacific. Register here!
- New Earth Success Lab, Thursday, May 21st at 6 pm Pacific. Register here!
- June Round Table, Monday, June 1st at 6 pm Pacific. Register here!
- Opportunity Meeting, “Become a Wellness Entrepreneur” English-On Demand. Watch here!
- Opportunity Meeting, “Become a Wellness Entrepreneur” Spanish-On Demand. Watch here!
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