Vol. 7 Issue 47-November 21, 2019

Sales Process-The Appointment Continued

If you have been following along, last week we began discussing the presentation portion of the sales process. During last week’s Success Lab we discussed setting the stage with embedded commands, why assuming credibility is key and how to establish credibility through conversation.

This week we will continue with the sales process starting with asking for permission to present.

Have you ever picked up the phone or walked into a store only to be bombarded with a sales pitch? We all have. And, what do you do when that happens? Likely, start searching for the first excuse to get away from that person.

The truth is, none of us like to be “sold” to and when that approach is taken we put up our guards and start thinking “no”. And, when your end goal is getting to “yes”, “no” is a tough place to start.

Getting to a “yes” is the reason we always ask for permission to present. The more agreeance and the more times your prospect says “yes” throughout the conversation the better the conversation will be and the more likely you are to hear “yes” when you ask for the sale. By asking for permission to present you get your first “yes” from your prospect.

This could sound something like this…

“Hey (name) I’m excited to be here. Thank you for sharing a little about your health journey. I would like to share a little bit about what we are doing as a company. Is it ok if I share with you?”

When they say “yes”, you move right along.

We will be covering this and much more on tonight’s Success Lab. See you tonight at 6 pm Pacific!

What Are Your Stats?

Where are you sitting? Are you on track to reach your goals this month? It’s the perfect time to log into your Online Office and have a look at your stats. There are several widgets on your home page that provide a great snapshot of the current state of your business. Interested in hitting the next rank and potentially growing your commissions? Check out the Rank Advancement report to see how close you are to the next rank!

Remember, the Corporate Office will be closed November 28th through December 1st. With that, now is the time to push hard and close the month early!


  • New Earth Success Lab, Thursday, November 21st at 6 pm Pacific. Register here!
  • November Round Table, Monday, December 2nd at 6 pm Pacific. Register here!
  • New Earth Success Lab, Thursday, December 5th at 6 pm Pacific. Register here!
  • Opportunity Meeting, “Become a Wellness Entrepreneur” English-On Demand. Watch here!
  • Opportunity Meeting, “Become a Wellness Entrepreneur” Spanish-On Demand. Watch here!

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