Vol. 7 Issue 31-August 01, 2019

If You Want to Learn, Listen

Hey, did you hear that? Of course you heard that but were you actually listening? Were you distracted looking at your phone? Or were you plotting your response?

Half listening, we are all guilty of it at one time or another and some more often than others. There is a powerful quote that comes from the Dalai Lama, “When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new.”

This is advice we can all take, internalize and practice daily. When you listen, really listen, you will be far more effective in helping others, building your New Earth business, enhancing your relationships, and life in general.

Give it a shot! For the next week make a commitment to really listen during your conversations. Don’t pre rehearse your responses in your head, don’t use pre-programmed reflexive responses either. What’s a reflexive response? One you use without thinking. For example, when someone says “Hey, how are you?” and you say “Good, and you?” that’s a reflexive response.

Be present, see how it goes, and enjoy the difference it makes in your life!

In Case You Missed It

V.P. Kevin Larson had the pleasure of speaking with two keynote speakers that you will all be hearing from at NEU 2019, Dr. Taylor and Dr. Bruno. If you missed the live calls be sure to head over to your Online Office to access the recordings. These two outstanding Doctors are utilizing our very own organic Wild Microalgae® to enhance the lives of those they work with.


  • The New Earth Round-Table is Monday, August 5th at 6 pm Pacific. Reserve your seat today.
  • The next live English Opportunity Meeting, “Become a Wellness Entrepreneur” is Tuesday, August 6th at 11 am Pacific. Register here!
  • The next live Spanish Opportunity Meeting, “Become a Wellness Entrepreneur” is Tuesday, August 6th at 12 pm Pacific. Register here!
  • The next New Earth Success Lab is Monday, August 12th at 6 pm Pacific. Register here!
  • New Earth University, Klamath Falls, Oregon, September 20-22, 2019 at the Running Y Ranch and Resort. Call Customer Care at 800.800.1300 to register!
  • Opportunity Meeting, “Become a Wellness Entrepreneur” English-On Demand. Watch here!
  • Opportunity Meeting, “Become a Wellness Entrepreneur” Spanish-On Demand. Watch here!

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