Vol. 6 Issue 51-December 27, 2018
Growth with Resolutions
Every year millions of people make New Year’s resolutions, to exercise more, to eat better, to lose weight, and the list goes on. More than likely you have some resolutions of your own for 2019. While your resolutions will impact your future so will the resolutions of others that surround you. You see, as a New Earth Associate, you have a vital resource to help others reach their health goals and resolutions in 2019, organic Wild Microalgae®.
So how do you reach these people on a mission to improve their health in 2019? Where do you find them? What do they want?
You find them where they are. You find them at the grocery store with a basket full of produce, you find them at your local gym exploring the equipment, you find them at your local smoothie or juice shop studying the menu, you find them on social media as they share their goals and progress with the world, all in all, you find them where you go.
You reach them through simple conversation. Comment on that grocery cart filled with produce, ask the person what’s on the menu for the week, strike up a conversation with that new face at the gym and offer to help show them around, share your favorite item on the menu with that person who isn’t sure what to order at the juice or smoothie shop and comment and congratulate that person who is sharing their story on social media.
What do they want? What are their needs? How can New Earth products help fulfill those needs? That’s something you will have to figure out as you continue your conversation and develop a relationship with your new prospects.
Be prepared to share Earth’s First Foods as we bring in the New Year and use the power of New Year’s resolutions to jump-start your business in 2019.
The Final Countdown
The days are dwindling, but there’s still time left to take advantage of the holiday promotion. Through December 31st, your NEW Customers, Preferred Customers, and Associates will enjoy 10% off Spectrabiotic and FREE shipping on all enrollment orders that include Spectrabiotic!
Continue to spread the gift of digestive bliss!
- The New Earth January Round-Table is Monday, January 7th at 6pm Pacific. Reserve your seat today.
- The next New Earth Success Lab will be in January 2019.
- The corporate office will be open until 3 pm Pacific on December 31st and then closed on January 1st as we bring in the new year.
New Earth Social Media
Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, New Earth Blog, Pinterest, YouTube. Interested in connecting with other leaders and health enthusiasts? Join our Facebook groups Dare to be Wild and USA Leaders.