Vol. 6 Issue 24-June 21, 2018

Finding the Balance

In our daily quest for success and happiness, we seem to run into the same obstacle. That seemingly impenetrable barrier is busyness. With jobs to work, families to raise, and New Earth business there is an endless to-do list that consumes our energy.

We’ve all been there too. Crashing into bed every night with many things on that list left undone. This leads to sleepless nights, a lack of motivation, and, if left unchecked, a stagnant New Earth business.

The great news is that there are a few simple changes that you can make to easily defeat the busyness monster and clear the path to your amazing future with New Earth. Here are three simple ways to declutter the list, eliminate stress and accelerate your path to success with New Earth.

Prioritization is Key
Believe it or not, there is always enough time in the day to do the things that need to be done. The key phrase is that you should only be doing what needs to be done. Too often, we get caught up in activities that are not as important as the ones we should be focusing on. To stop this endless cycle, we need to make prioritization the first activity of the day.

When we look at our daily lists, we need to determine if they are important, urgent or both. This simple evaluation will quickly tell you what you need to focus your energies on.

Each morning, take your to-do list and next to each item place an “I” if it’s important to further your New Earth business. Place a “U” if it’s urgent and needs to get done soon. Once you’ve gone through your list, reorder them by placing those tasks that are both urgent and important at the top. Then list the urgent only items, followed by those that are important only and those that are neither.

Now you have a better idea of what you really need to be focusing on.

The Power of “No”
With our priorities set, let’s look at how to deal with those items that are not a priority. This is where we need to know how to use the power of “No”.

If your list has items on it that are not urgent or important then you need to get them off your list. The best way to do this is to simply say “no”. We all struggle with this because we feel we are letting others down when we refuse to do something. The reality is we are letting ourselves down when we agree to tasks that are not in line with our goals. We give up control of our lives and ultimately the success of our business.

Say “no” to things that keep you from your New Earth goals. Say “no” to things that just drain your energy. Say “yes” to your dreams by saying “no” to the distractions.

Plan for Success
Now comes the easy part. You’ve prioritized your list and said “no” to the distractions. Now it’s time to plan today’s success!

Use your calendar to plan how you will address each of your top priorities. Use the remaining time to deal with the remaining urgent items. The important items can be pushed to future dates since they are not urgent. And the distractions have been told “NO”!

As you add these simple steps to your morning routine, you will quickly find that you have ample time for prospecting, follow-up, and coaching your team members. You will also find that you have time to enjoy life’s simple pleasures. You will also have finally found balance in your life.

Get to Know Your Agent

Our goal in customer care is to deliver white glove, best in class customer service. Our team of agents show up each day and strive to accomplish that goal. Please meet the newest member of our team, Becca.

“My name is Becca, and I have been with New Earth for just over three months now. I really enjoy everyone I work with from customers to coworkers. Life at New Earth is like hanging with family. Everyone here has known each other for a long time and are always laughing together. I enjoy this amazing work atmosphere.

Our Associates are always a pleasure to speak with. They are fun, joke around and laugh about all kinds of things. My goal in customer service is to go through the day knowing I can answer any question that comes my way.

When I’m not at work, I enjoy spending time with my husband and dogs. I love to take long walks, relax and read books.

It is a pleasure to be with New Earth. I look forward to talking with each and every one of you!”

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