Vol. 5 Issue 39-October 12, 2017
What Color Get’s You Energized
Energize softgels are changing color soon, and that’s a good thing! Soon you will notice that the vegetarian softgels that deliver the best ubiquinol based antioxidant on the planet have changed from yellow to russet—“a dark brown color with a reddish-orange tinge.” This is because we have changed the pigment in the softgel from turmeric to annatto. The change will make the integrity of the softgel better and less prone to leakage.
The Power of a Story
Growing up I loved spending time with my grandmother, she was not only adventurous with a love for the outdoors, but she was and still is an amazing storyteller. She would often share stories of her childhood and family, growing up in Detroit during the great depression, the creative games she and her brothers created for entertainment, her time in nursing school and so on. She always found a way to capture my attention and pull me into a time in history that I knew little about.
While my grandmother was sharing family history with me, I realize today there was always a deeper message and lesson to be learned with each story. Whether you had the opportunity to sit with your grandparents and listen to stories of the past, being a network marketer, you know that a good story filled with emotion and authenticity, based on experience can deeply impact the listener. It is for this reason that a well-crafted story is often your greatest selling tool.
Stories are memorable; they will stay with a person long after they are told. They trigger emotional responses and inspire people to take action. Stories are one of the best ways to highlight who you are, the products you have to share, and the business opportunity you have at hand.
You have likely heard the phrase “stop selling and start sharing.” That is exactly what a good story will allow you to do. No one likes to be “sold” to, but most enjoy hearing about products and opportunities that are having a positive impact on your life. If these products and business opportunity have had a positive impact on your life, likely, they will do the same for others.
We are not talking about a scripted presentation here. We are talking about your New Earth story. How has New Earth had a positive impact on your life? Have you noticed an improvement in your health? Have you realized a new level of time and/or financial freedom? What solutions have you found that will make others lives better?
Make your story fun. Tell a few jokes; everyone loves to laugh. Most importantly, be your authentic self and don’t worry about being perfect (no one is).
What is your New Earth story? We would love to hear it! Share it with us at support@newearthsupport.com.
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