Vol. 5 Issue 36-September 21, 2017
A Better Way to Connect
Social media is by far one of the most powerful tools in business today when used appropriately. Many of the top leaders in Network Marketing have used social media to jump ranks and take their business to the next level.
While social media can’t replace in-person interaction when recruiting new team members, it is one of the best tools today to reach new prospects, create new relationships, and build your business.
So what makes social media so powerful?
The truth is, as a network marketer, you are your brand. Prospects will come to you because of who you are, what you are interested in, and what you believe and stand for. Social media is an excellent platform to attract like-minded people.
It’s important to understand that you are not creating a brand here. This is not an exercise where you create a facade that you believe will attract others. By simply being true to who you are at your core, your brand will help introduce you to more people than ever before, and suddenly that prospect list will begin to build itself naturally.
This is by no means an easy task, but it can be a fun one. You can’t create a social profile and then sit back and expect the masses to flock to you. You will have to contribute to the social community by posting, joining groups that interest you, and contributing to conversations. Once your brand is known people will find you through similar interests.
It is your brand that will help provide the introduction, but at the end of the day, this business is all about relationships. Which brings us to our next topic, reach.
The power of technology is amazing. There used to be a time, not long ago when your reach was limited by your location. With social media your reach is unlimited, you can connect with others around the world in a matter of seconds.
So think about this: all you have to do is join a social media platform of your liking, create a profile, build your brand and stay true to yourself, start contributing to the community and naturally you will start to build connections with like-minded people across the globe! This is all from the comfort of your home with little to no cost by the way. Can you think of any other tool that allows you to do this?
Face-to-face interaction is still critical in building your business. However, social media allows that initial reach to happen much easier and faster.
What good is branding yourself and expanding your reach if you don’t maintain your new connections and relationships? The truth is, people will do business with you because they like you.
Social media provides you with the tools necessary to nurture and develop your new relationships. You can keep in touch with posts, messages, group chats and so on. Liking or making a comment on a post goes a long way. Not only do you stay top of mind but you continue to strengthen your relationships.
Of course, at some point, you will want to spend face-to-face time with those on your team, but a majority of the initial legwork can take place on social media.
We’ve said it once, and we will say it again, we are in the business of relationships. Social media is the perfect platform to meet more like-minded people than ever before. It is through these new relationships that your prospect list will start to grow along with your business.
New Earth Social Media
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