Vol. 12 Issue 19 – May 20, 2024

 From the Home Team—We’d Love Your Input!

Now that we are nearly two months past the official launch of all of our recent changes, our team is starting to look ahead and plan for what we want the next few months to look like here at New Earth, especially when it comes to the training videos and communications we are creating for you. After all, our goal is to help you succeed!

And, in order to accomplish that goal, we first need to know what you need and want from us. That’s why we put together a brief survey to gather your input. If you haven’t already, please click here to let us know what types of training topics you want us to cover over the next few months so our team can keep it in mind as we flesh out our plan.

Take the survey here.

Guidance for Growth

Share Your Referral Link
Have a prospect you think is about ready to purchase their first New Earth products? Grab your Personal Referral Link and share it with them. This link allows them to easily purchase products on our website while also ensuring that our system knows that you are the one who referred the sale. This way, they can get their products and you can receive your well-earned commissions. Not sure where to find your Personal Referral Link? We have a training video where VP Kevin Larson walks you through it. Watch it here.

Contact Us

Have a question about a product or need help placing an order? Our Customer Care team would be happy to assist you!

Regular Customer Care Hours: 

  • Monday through Friday: 8 am to 5 pm Pacific

Contact us by phone at 800-800-1300 or email us at support@newearthsupport.com

Stay Connected

Stay connected with all things New Earth by downloading the New Earth Connected app from your Apple or Google Play store, joining our Facebook Leaders Group, and following us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, or YouTube.