Vol. 11 Issue 39 – September 25, 2023

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 From the Home Team—News from the Field

The excitement over sharing our favorite superfood products at events is spreading like wildfire, and we are loving it!

While VP Kevin Larson prepares for his next event (which is October 6th through 8th in Colorado Springs), we are excited to share that Wellness Entrepreneur Brenda Smith will be representing New Earth at The Best Plant-Based Conference Ever event happening in Richardson, Texas this weekend! If you are in the area, stop by and say hi to her.

Also, if you plan to represent New Earth at an event in your area! Let us know what events you have on your calendar by emailing us at newearthteam@newearth.com, and if you want assistance with anything related to event marketing, schedule a Blue-Green Mingle with Kevin to start talking about the details.

Current Promotions

We’ve been sharing the power of Mother Nature’s most perfect superfood for 4 decades now, and that calls for a BIG celebration!

Limited Edition Bottles
To honor just how far we’ve come as a company, we’re temporarily bringing back the old-school labels for the products currently known as Body and Mind. That’s right! This month only, when you order a 120-capsule bottle of either Body or Mind, you will receive a limited-edition throwback bottle of Alpha Sun (Body) or Omega Sun (Mind).*

A Social Blast from the Past
Let’s take a stroll through the past together over on our social media pages! Throughout the month of September, we will be sharing photos and videos from the last 40 years, and we want you to jump in on the fun!

Share your throwback photos from your early days with New Earth on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn then place an order over the phone of $125 or more and receive a FREE 4-pack of New Earth Throwback Coasters!** Don’t forget to tag us @NewEarthCo and use the hashtag #40YearsOfAlgae so we can see and share your photos!

*Only available for Body and Mind 120 capsules while supplies last.

**Available USA only call in standard orders only. Caller must mention their social media post and request the coasters in order to receive them with their order. Coasters only available for orders of $125 or higher. Social media post with throwback image(s) must be made prior to placing the order in order to receive coasters. Valid September 1, 2023 to September 30, 2023. While supplies last. Not retroactive; refunds will not be given after an order is placed. Limit, one pack of coasters per customer. 

Guidance for Growth

Keep Looking Ahead. 
The last quarter of the year is quickly approaching, which means it’s time to set your goals for Q4 and start thinking about what you want to accomplish in 2024. Spend some time looking ahead this week and write out one or two goals you want to achieve in the next three months.

Upcoming Events

The Healthy Hustle: With probiotics gaining popularity, there has been a lot of information popping up around the internet about these gut-supporting bacteria, but not all of it is true. Join VP Kevin Larson as he busts some of the most common probiotic myths.

  • The Healthy Hustle, Tuesday, September 26th at 5 pm Pacific. Join here!
  • The Healthy Hustle, Thursday, September 28th at 5 pm Pacific. Join here!

Success Lab: Knowing what phase of learning you are in as a salesperson and knowing what your reflexive responses are can help you identify ways to improve your communication, which in turn will help grow your business. Join VP Kevin Larson as he breaks down everything you need to know about these two topics.

  • New Earth Success Lab, Thursday, September 28th at 3 pm Pacific. Join here!
  • New Earth Success Lab, Thursday, October 5th at 3 pm Pacific. Join here!

October Round Table:  What’s the latest and greatest here at the home office? Hear directly from New Earth’s corporate team.

  • October Round Table, Wednesday, October 4th at 12 pm Pacific. Join here!

Contact Us

Have a question about a product or need help placing an order? Our Customer Care team would be happy to assist you!

Customer Care Hours: 

  • Monday through Friday: 8 am to 5 pm Pacific
  • Saturday: 8 am to 11 am Pacific

Contact us by phone at 800-800-1300 or email us at support@newearthsupport.com

Stay Connected

Stay connected with all things New Earth by downloading the New Earth Connected app from your Apple or Google Play store, joining our Facebook Leaders Group, and following us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, or YouTube.